All orders are shipped from Long Beach, CA. While orders are typically shipped within 2-3 business days, orders may take longer due to unforeseen circumstances. You will receive an order confirmation email once your order has been successfully placed and additional emails once your order has been shipped and delivered.

Loverboy + Co is not liable for any misplaced or stolen packages. If the address provided to us upon checkout matches the exact address we have shipped your order to, and your tracking number reads as successfully shipped - we are not held responsible if your package has been misplaced. Stolen / lost packages are non-refundable. Certain misunderstandings may apply but evidence must be recorded, please contact and we will try our best to assist you with this matter. 


However if there is a defect to an item we will consider that as a factor to swap out this item for the exact same item and size if available. If same item is not available we will issue a Loverboy + Co credit for a future purchase. Loverboy + Co  will not be responsible for return shipping.